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Renew - Rejuvenate - Awaken!

Writer's picture: TeddyTeddy
Of all the phrases I use when working with others to empower them to bring their lives back into a place of greater balance, one of my all-time favorites is: “Renew your Energy … Rejuvenate your Body … Awaken to your Life!” This affirmation is truly supportive of accepting issues one is experiencing, while still appealing to the stronger inner self, that more mindful being, to continue enhancing lifelong health and wellbeing. I remind my students and clients every time we meet: “Challenge yourself, but do not hurt yourself.” To explain this further, I believe that not only the physical being, but also our intellectual, emotional, energetic and spiritual dimensions of health and wellbeing must be addressed within each practice, so the connection of body-mind-spirit becomes complete.

By finding powerful ways to renew our energetic self, we become inspired to start working as if beginning anew. Reviving strength, heightening stamina, and reestablishing vitality through body-friendly practices supports safety and focuses on working with our “beginner’s mind”, enriching daily mindfulness. Renewing personal health and wellbeing, and “amping up” our energy takes time and patience. With sunny or rainy days, and with relentless determination, we can do it! To begin is the victory…

The term “rejuvenate” offers an abundant sense of regenerating, restoring, and refurbishing. Breathing new life into each day with stress-relieving practices restores feelings of youthful vigor, allowing us to embrace joyful, purposeful lives. By awakening to our lives through energy renewal and bodily rejuvenation, we are able to focus expressly on enhancing personal health and wellbeing across our lifespan, no matter our present circumstances. Essentially, we start where we are, and what happens … happens. Creating a personal path to greater balance and healthier daily practices empowers us to enrich our existing quality of life, motivating and stimulating us repeatedly on this journey of self-care.

Learning to confront and address life’s challenges begins with a willingness to search out and then to make use of quality resources. Take advantage of spring retreats, workshops and conferences that promote self-care and renewal. Embrace your inner spirit, awaken your innate mindful abilities by trying something that increases not only your activity level, but also revitalizes your intellectual self, nurturing greater positivity of your emotional, compassionate being. Working on self-renewal by awakening to our lives is a work-in-progress, a moment-by-moment journey. We will falter along the way. We are uniquely human, creatures of habit; emotionally charged moments may bring us down temporarily. This is our nature. Yet, we can bounce back and begin anew to confront those challenging experiences with perseverance and determination. We have nothing to lose but our winter humdrum attitudes … let them go!

Ignite your spark and kindle yourself – body, mind, and and spirit! Rise and shine!

  • Dedicated to Tika, Buddy, AND Cindy Lou ~~ gone from our world, but never forgotten!

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