Creating and maintaining balance in our lives …

...seems difficult, impossible at times, due to today’s fast-moving, technological world interfaced with daily challenges. Stress from changes in our “routine” stems from our perception and appraisal of the situation and specific reaction. When some “stressor” disrupts our sense of equilibrium, we receive an inner call for help. Our body’s built-in system immediately jumps into action, resulting at least in increased heart rate and blood pressure. If this acute reaction persists, becoming repetitive – day after day, week after week – the “stress reaction” ultimately develops into chronic ailments: high blood pressure, arrhythmias, sleep disorder, headaches, backaches, and pervasive anxiety. Effects can be devastating emotionally, psychologically, physically, and even professionally. What we ALL know is that stress is not going away. It is a natural part of our human experience. Without gaining a deeper sense of the full context of life experiences, we can be taken down by chronic stress, perceived threats and change. Developing focused problem-solving strategies fosters quicker recovery of mental equilibrium and physical homeostasis. Internal stability can be well maintained when new options are used that bring calmness and balance of mind, body and energy. Attention to carefully perceiving and intentionally working realistically to alleviate each situation that is “stressing us out” makes perfect sense.
To be in balance within the complexity of our day-to-day routine is to be “in synch”. Thus, we convey a sense of equanimity, projecting serenity, calmness, and composure, even in the midst of unsettling circumstances. To be balanced in life means that we feel relatively calm, clear-headed, and motivated – overall sensibly grounded. Dimensions to consider for bringing our lives into greater balance include two basic classifications: internal (core elements: mind, heart, health, wellbeing) and external (outer elements: family, work, social activities, fun). At times, we are pulled to focusing on one dimension more than the other, throwing our life balancing abilities out of whack! When this happens, realigning this balancing act we call “life” truly becomes critical to our health and wellbeing. How can we accomplish this task?
Take some time to examine lifelong foundations that promote the ability to handle whatever life brings. To overcome habitual stress, reflect on personal values, starting by setting just a few goals, then plan some goal-achieving tasks. Reflect, prepare, and – little by little, moment by moment – build upon coping strategies, such as these:
Pleasurable joys (giving/receiving hugs, laughing, warm baths, listening to music);
Physical nourishment (physical activity, rest and relaxation, a variety of foods);
Social connections (cultivate random acts of kindness, volunteering, spending quality time with family, pets and friends);
Emotional welfare (nurture an uplifting attitude, respond to stressful situations with others in honest, fair and direct ways);
Spiritual harmony (connect with nature daily, take time to meditate/to pray)
Make this life balancing act work for you as the unique – yes!! – one-of-a-kind spiritual being that you are ….
Moving forward, try some of these strategies –
- Create your own -
– AND ENJOY FULLY this thing we call the “human experience”!
(**This is my recent Sheridan Press "HEALTH WATCH" article, in case you missed seeing it … I am elated to be invited to write for them again!)